

Safety is top priority at Marshdale Elementary. With this in mind, it is imperative that parents call the attendance line, or email the Enrollment Secretary, when their student will be absent so we can account for every student each morning.

Please call or email before 8:30 a.m. of the day your student is/will be absent.

smu mustangs - Clip Art Library Bell rings at 7:45AM, Tardy bell rings at 7:55AM. School dismisses at 2:35PM 

smu mustangs - Clip Art Library Attendance Line: 303-982-5150   Email: [email protected]

smu mustangs - Clip Art Library The front office is open from 7:15 am to 3:15 pm

How to Report Your Child Absent or Tardy

1. Please choose one of the following ways to report your child's absence:

  • Call the Attendance Line at 303-982-5150 and leave a message
  • Send an email to our Enrollment Secretary, Wendy Thurman, at [email protected] (please do not depend on an email to the teacher, as they often are not able to check email until later in the day). Some teachers like to know when your student is absent - you may email the teacher and Cc: Wendy Thurman.
  • Call the front office at 303-982-5188

Note: If your child is not in attendance and no call, email, or message is received by 8:30am, staff will begin contacting a parent and/or emergency contact using phone numbers in the Parent Portal. This practice is to verify the child's safety. To avoid getting calls, please contact the office if your child will be absent or late. If we have not received a call or email by 12:00pm, our staff will determine if a welfare check is in order.

2. Tardy: You must walk your student into the building and sign them in at the office, as well as fill out a late slip to be given to the teacher. Please do not drop your student off unattended.
3. Extended Absence (5 days or more): A pre-arranged absence form must be completed and submitted to the school office, with a teacher signature, no later than three (3) days prior to the scheduled absence. Complete one FORM per student.
* Please refer to the Jeffco Board Student and Absences and Excuses Policy HERE

Picking Up Student During School Hours

1. Please contact the office when you are 5-10 minutes away from pick up so we can have your student ready and waiting when you arrive. 

2. You DO NOT need to alert the office ahead of time, however, your child's teacher may ask that you notify them via email. Please check with the teacher on their policy.

Our staff would very much appreciate it if you could plan to pick up your child before 2pm - this will help to avoid interrupting end of the day classroom instruction, as well as dismissal procedures already in place. Thank you for your cooperation.

Change of Pick Up Plans or Bus Pass

1. Please always make sure your child knows if they are riding the bus, going to Hug & Go, riding home with a friend, etc.

2. If there is a last minute change, please call the main office before 2pm the day of, and email the teacher. At the end of the day, we will send a pink slip to the student's classroom instructing them of the change. 

3. If someone other than a parent is picking up your child please email the front office and teacher with the name of the person. If this person will be picking up your child on a regular basis, please add them as an emergency contact in the campus portal. 

4. Bus Pass: If your student will be riding the bus home with a friend, or getting off at a different stop than normal; please call or email the office by 2pm the day of the event and a bus pass will be written up and delivered to your child at the end of the day.

Marshdale adheres to the Colorado Board of Education attendance policies 

Attendance Awareness Month 
Jefferson County School District

This includes:
  • All tardies and absences will be marked on the student's record. For a tardy or absence to be considered "excused," it must fall under one of the categories explained in the Code of Conduct.
  • A parent or named representative must sign a child in or out in the office whenever a student arrives after the tardy bell or leaves before the dismissal bell.
  • If a child will be absent for 5 school days in a row, please see the office for an "Extended Absence" form.
  • If your child is not in attendance at school and no call, email, or message received, the Enrollment Secretary will begin contacting a parent and/or emergency contact using phone numbers in the Jeffco database at 9:30am. This practice is to verify the child's safety. We understand appointments need to be kept, etc., but we also need to make sure no child is left alone at a bus stop or otherwise in need of help. To avoid getting calls, please contact the office if your child will be absent or late.